Business Insurance Solutions
Real Estate
There is much more to a Real Estate business’s insurance than just having the right property coverage. With an understanding of all the exposures, Hickok & Boardman will design a comprehensive insurance program to protect your real estate property and all your business assets.
Case Study
Key Available Coverages
Building/Business Personal Property: protects your company’s physical assets from fire, explosions, burst pipes, storms, theft and vandalism.
General Liability: covers third-party bodily injury and property damage related to premises and operations exposures
Business Interruption/Loss of Rents: time element property insurance that pays for a loss of rental income when a building that is rented out to others has been damaged by a covered cause of loss
Blanket Building/Business Personal Property: under a blanket policy, you can group together coverage for multiple buildings and the property in them provided the buildings are all similar in nature and function.
Earthquake Coverage: typically excluded from most property insurance policies. In most cases, earthquake coverage must be purchased by endorsement. Normally, the coverage provided is subject to a per occurrence sublimit, an annual aggregate limit and a separate deductible.
Flood Coverage: typically excluded from most property insurance policies. Flood insurance can be purchased through the federal government’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). If your business or property gets damaged from floodwater, commercial flood insurance can help cover your repair costs.
Umbrella: gives you extra coverage to help pay for costs that exceed certain liability policy limits. Without this coverage, you’d have to pay out of pocket for liability claims that cost more than your coverage limits (legal costs, medical bills, damage to other people’s property and judgements/settlements)
Pollution Liability: provides environmental damage, property damage & bodily injury coverage for pollution incidents located on, under or migrating from property you own, operate, lease, or manage